I was born in Douala-Cameroon, and I started painting while studying philosophy in 2003. I did some exhibitions in my home country while teaching philosophy, then moved to Canada as permanent resident. After few shows in Toronto, New York and L.A. I had health issues and paused painting.

The Monochrome Series 2023 is a secured way for me, to tackle the abstract environment with the Intrications complex. ”

Brunot T. Nseke

-2006 Bachelor Philosophy, Catholic University of Central Africa. Cameroon

- 2008 Artist residency, MTN Foundation Young artist project, Bonendale Cameroon(Solo)

-2010, MTN Foundation Residencies Retro One, Mam Gallery , Douala (Group)

-2012, Toronto Public Library, (Solo)

-2014, Hittites Gallery , Toronto, Canada (group)

-2015 Hittites Gallery , Toronto, Canada(Solo)

-2016, Greenpoint Gallery,Brooklyn New York , USA.

-2017, Artist Residency, Culver City Los Angeles, (Solo)

-2017, Beyond the lines Art Show, Los Angeles (Group Exhibition)

-2023, Intrications Series: Monochrome I

Copyright © Brunot Theophile Nseke 2023, all Rights reserved.